23rd January 2017, Gasa:
The 33 days Royal envisioned Village Skills Development Programme for 43 Lunaps concluded on 21st Jan 2017 over a simple closing ceremony attended by the Hon'ble NC and MP of Gasa, Zimpom Wom designate for the programme, Punakha Dzongrab, Offtg Director, DHR, Principal of TTIK, kiths and kins of the trainees and Dzongda of Gasa amongst other guests.
This skills development programme was envisioned by His Majesty during the weeklong Royal visit to Lunana Gewog in October 2016. His Majesty amazingly diagnosed these acute critical needs within such a short time manifesting the deeply rooted inherent Royal concern for the welfare of his subjects.
The programme was jointly implemented by the Office of Gyalpoi Zimpon, His Majesty Secretariat and Department of Human Resources.
Though the training duration was brief, but we are all confident that the trainees have gained the basic skills on their chosen fields. Now Lunana have their own weavers, carpenters, painters, tailors and solar technician. They were also trained on basic culinary with which they could add more diversity in their food.
These unbelievable new skills are but gifts of golden solution from the Golden Throne to address Lunaps' total dependency for these skills on outsiders. Otherwise Lunaps didnot have a single person skilled in the above arts.
NB: The tailoring group were wearing ghos stitched by themselves(in photo wearing orange/yellow color ghos) at the closing ceremony.
Palden Drukpa Gyalo!