HR Section

Dzongkhag Administration, Gasa

Sl.No Activities Time Remarks



Recruitment and Appointment Within 3 months. The appointment date will commence on 1st or 15th of every month as per BCSR 2023. Based on the approved staffing pattern of the Dzongkhag.


Increment 1 month prior to the increment effective date  



Promotion 2 months prior to the promotion effective date  



Leave Issue sanction order within 1 working day for annual leave after approval from the HoA.  



Transfer Relieve within 30 days from the issue of transfer order  



Zest up-dation Zest will be up dated as and when required.  



Contract Extension 3 months before the expiry of contract term  



Dzongkhag HRC meeting Every second Tuesday of the month. Ad-hoc meeting can happen anytime. 



Professional, Accountable and Productive Civil Service delivering efficient and effective services.


  1. Ensure an independent and apolitical civil service that will discharge its public duties and services in an efficient, transparent and accountable manner.

  2. Ensure that civil servants render professional service guided by the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

  3. Ensure that uniform rules and regulations on recruitment, appointment, staffing, training, transfers and promotion prevail throughout the civil service.

  4. Continue to maintain a small, compact and efficient Civil Service that is merit-based.

  5. Enhance Civil Service capacity through Human Resource Development Programs.

  6. Maintain Up-to-date personnel information on all civil servants.


1.  Help organization attain its goals and mission by providing competent and efficient civil servants.

2.  To reconcile the individual/ group goals with organizational goals.

3.      To establish and maintain a cordial working environment by enhancing interpersonal    relationships among employees.

4.      To increase the job satisfaction of the employees to the fullest.

Roles and responsibilities of the HR Staff


Position Title


Contact Number

Sonam Wangmo

Assistant Human Resource Officer


Overall responsibilities of HRD.

-ACC focal

-NCWC focal

-Legal Focal


Jamyang Zangpo

Sr.Admin Asstt V

Responsible for the following sectors:

  1. Education sector 

  2. Civil sector


Tshering Choden

Admin Asstt III

Responsible for the following sectors:

  1. Engineering sector

  2. Health sector

  3. GAOs

  4. Election Sector

  5. Land Record sector

  6. Livestock and Agriculture Sector



