Gasa Dzongkhag joined the Global community in observing the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women with the theme - Orange the World:#HearMeToo.
A half day programme was held in the Gewog Centre of the Khatoed Gewog with representatives from Dzongkhag Administration, Dratshang, Regional offices, Dzong conservation Project, BHU, ECCD facilitators, NFP Instructors, Teachers and local volunteers of Community Based Support System (CBSS) of Khatoed Gewog.
Violence against women and girls is widespread disease yet silent (not reported); more devastating than any other diseases including HIV/AIDS and it violates human rights. It is indeed a big failure of the Homo sapiens (in animal world we don’t see this crime) that still today in the 21st century, more than half of the species (women and girls) are facing this crime. However, the good days are coming, the world is getting more aware, humanity is getting concerned, the communities are coming into action by Going Orange and Sharing Stories and so on….
Aum Tshering Zam, a farmer from Zamina village graced the event as the chief guest. We listened to her story of how she lost her mother when she was under five years and came to know her biological father only much later. She grew up in a very difficult situation, making it worse because of her gender. But due to her strong will and sheer determination, she overcame all obstacles and today she is doing very well. She is happily married with a son and daughter who are in college. Her main point was – God will, of course, shake you, but for your own good, ultimately you have to do the shaking (apology for the crude translation).
Women from all walks of life shared their experiences of discrimination, domestic violence, and exploitation, while few were lucky to have not faced any bad experiences.
All men who spoke not only acknowledge the challenges but expressed the need for men to provide full support to realize the Vision of a World Free of Domestic Violence and Gender Discrimination and Exploitation.
As a small gesture of acknowledgment and respect to the theme of the event, men participants served refreshments and all men were after women in the line for lunch, which is usually the vice versa.
A common element in the remarks of all participants was the expression of immense gratitude to Her Majesty Gyalyum Ashi Sangay Choden Wangchuck for giving the Royal Leadership in introducing and implementing various initiatives toward the women’s cause. In particular, they mentioned the great role played by RENEW.
Palden Drukpa Gyalo! Wangchuck Dynasty Gyalo!
PC: Gasa Dzongkhag Facebook page