09 December 2016

9th December 2016, Gasa:

“Think Nationally and Act Dzongkhagly”- In Gasa we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our beloved His Majesty’s Golden Reign by lighting butter lamps followed by 3 brief talks, viz. A gratitude talk by Lam Neten; an inspirational talk by a senior citizen; and a hope talk by a student. This inaugural session was held in DT hall. Thereafter from 11.30 am to 3 pm the mass cleaning was carried out in 18 different sites in and around Gasa Dzong including the Tshachu. And similar cleaning was carried out simultaneously in the Gewogs. 
On this auspicious day, Gasa commits to give our full support in making Bhutan the Cleanest Country with Gasa aspiring to be the Cleanest Dzongkhag

.Clean Gasa

Clean GasaClean Gasa