12 August 2017

12 August 2017, Gasa:

The 4th Dzongkhag Tshogdue (DT) of the 2nd Local Government of Gasa was held in the premises of Khatoed Gewog centre on 10 and 11 August 2017. It had to be the monsoon session as most members and participants had to hike up for about an hour at the end of the 1st day and hike down the same stretch in the morning of the 2nd day, as the road was closed due to landslides triggered by monsoon downpour. However, the sessions were lively with exchanges of views amongst the members with timely top-ups of expert opinions, suggestions and submissions by the observers including Hon’ble MPs and Dzongda. Most of the time, the meeting had background score composed of gentle roars of the generator competing with the thrumming and pattering of rain falling on the corrugated roofs and in the drains, which kept most participants awake, while some were put to sleep.

And it was very satisfying to observe the steady and definite growth of the institution of DT over the years. The growth was obvious from the conduct of the session and the quality of deliberations. DT the highest decision making body in the Dzongkhag is also the foundation of the policy of decentralisation and democracy as envisioned by our beloved Kings. It may not be wrong to say that the state of DT accurately reflects the quality and maturity of the decentralisation policy and democracy. The meeting discussed and decided on many important and relevant topics.

Dzongda, as if, it was a preamble to his 2016 -17 state of Dzongkhag Report, shared some insights inspired from the Royal audience to the Dzongdas during the 2017 Dzongda Conference. 
1. Planning and building a well-tempered city: All dzongdas received a Royal gift of the book - “Well-tempered City” by Jonathan F P Rose. Urbanisation may be inevitable but fortunately, city characteristics can be chosen. We should be aware of the essential elements of a well-tempered city. Gasa has the opportunity to have such a town as we have not yet started to build our Gasa town. 
2. Unmindful expenditures: We should find ways and means to stop or curtail wasteful expenditures (Government). Under the present scenarios, anyone can easily, openly and legally pocket undue and disproportionate profits. It is so true, e.g. one can directly buy a laptop from a dealer or online shopping @ Nu. 80,000=00 where as Government lands up paying Nu 120,000=00 for the same laptop. And so on and on…It is a matter of serious national concern. 
3. Beautification of surroundings: Our country is known to the world as the last Shangrila and we all might want to put in more efforts to live up to this reputation. Therefore, we may want to make gardens, parks, plant flowers and so on. Gasa will start with developing a garden or park around the Ap Gomo Lhatsho (soul lake of Gasa Dzong’s protecting deity) this year and the Gewogs could also start with the beautification of their Gewog Centres.
4. Waste and litter management : Every Bhutanese can contribute in making our country the cleanest by just taking care of one’s litter and waste. With clean Gasa initiative launched last December, we are on right path. Act Dzongkhagly and think Nationally.
5. Defining, associating and strengthening Culture: Is Bhutanese society becoming less aware, less concerned and less connected with culture ? If so, we all should work towards reversing this trend. Bhutanese culture is unique and invaluable and we should make use of this unique culture. Culture not only matters, but critical to the progress and well being of a Nation. 
6. Keeping fit: Health is wealth. If health is lost everything is lost. So, we all should make extra efforts by doing physical exercises to keep fit. 
7. Environment as Priority: In our context, environment can be taken as synonymous to Gross National Happiness.