12 September 2019

September 12, 2019:

Dzongkhag Administration is privileged with the presence of Hon’ble Minister of Education Jai Bir Rai to the Dzongkhag. Lyonpo is on familiarization tour to schools of Gasa and Punakha. Lyonpo has arrived to the Dzong last evening to offer prayers after the visit to schools at the Dzongkhag. He urged teachers to work differently in achieving educational goals and bringing prosperity in the nation by quality enhancement. Students need to be given various opportunities through engagement programs and make them excel with highest standards. Lyonpo explained on how Focus key priorities and setting up targets play crucial role in determining the quality of achievement. We are grateful for all the words of wisdom and delighted by Lyonpo’s visit.

 Kadrenchay la.

Sherig Lyonpo in Gasa DzongkhagSherig Lyonpo in Gasa DzongkhagSherig Lyonpo in Gasa Dzongkhag