17th December 2017, Gasa:
After the most joyous celebration of the 110th National Day, we take this opportunity to offer our heartfelt Congratulations and Tashi Delek to all the honoured recipients of Druk Thuksay and various other meritorious medals received from His Majesty.
"Gratitude and Tha damtsi, Democracy, Learn from other's mistakes, Youth, Cooperation, Unity, Sovereignty and Security, Responsibility, change and future" are some key words in the Royal Address today, on which we all need to ponder, pursue and practice.....
At our own celebration here in Gasa, 42 individuals from all walks of life received awards and certificates in recognition of their exemplary contribution to the Dzongkhag. With these awards and certificates, we hope to motivate everyone, specially the civil and public servants to put in more and better efforts in the service of the Tsawa Sum.
3 received the Annual Good to Great Gasa Awards (AGGGA) which is the highest award of the Dzongkhag. This award was instituted for the first time during the 2016 National Day Celebration. The Award carries a certificate, a plaque and cash Nu 7000 each. 39 received Good to Great Gasa Appreciation Certificates (GGGAC). This appreciation certificate is also accompanied with a surprise gift.
Though initially these awards were targeted for civil servants of Gasa, during the implementation, as can be seen from the lists, these awards can be won by any individuals regardless of their profession, place of work and even nationality. The basic criterion to qualify for nomination for AGGGA is - “outstanding contribution to the vision of Good to Great Gasa” which should be beyond one’s designated terms of reference.
The GGGAC is awarded to an individual/group who had exhibited exemplary contribution to the Dzongkhag. For example, this year 4 individuals outside Gasa Dzongkhags were also awarded AGGGC for their contribution as described below:
1. Namgyal Tshering, Principal, Dechentshemo Central School, Punakha…He putting his own safety at risk helped in preventing a fire outbreak in a guest house in Tshachu on 24th January 2017.
2. Ms Choki Lham Dorji, Pinda Panda Tours, …She helped in mobilizing 4 lap tops from her tourist clients. These lap tops were distributed to the four schools in Gasa
3. Dr Kisoo Kim, Korean, Secretary General, KOBA…He mobilized 3 scholarships worth nu. 6000 each, 30 track suits and helped the Dzongkhag in the successful piloting of the highly fuel efficient Korean Room Heating technology
4. Ms Julie Anne Larkey, Australian, for specially coming as tourist to the 2nd Royal Highland Festival and donating USD 400 towards Good to Great Gasa Fund.
A: Annual Good to Great Gasa Awards Recipients:
1. Tandin Dorji, GSP/Offtg Tsachu Manager
2. Tshenda Dorji, Security Guard at BoB
3. Samten Wangchuk, Admin Asst.
B: Annual Good to Great Gasa Certificates Recipients:
1. Singay Wangdi, Sr. Dispatcher
2. Sonam Chogyel, ESP/GSP
3. Tsheten Wangyel, ESP/ GSP
4. Yeshey Gempo, ESP/GSP
5. Ms Seldon, ESP/ GSP
6. Damber Bdr Chheteri, ESP /GSP
7. Sonam Dorji, JE,
8. Kinzang, Census
9. Jamyang Zangpo, HRA
10. Ugyen Tshewang , Acct
11. Karma Jamtsho, Ranger, Gasa
12. Ngawang Namgyel, Driver
13. Kumbu Lham, Teacher Lunana
14. Kinley Gyem, Teacher Lunana
15. Tshering Dorji, Flood Warning System, Lunana
16. Shyam Nath Acharya, Flood Warning Syatem, Lunana
17. Dhan Kr. Rai, BHU, Lunana
18. Dependra Subba, BHU, Lunana
19. Dorji, caretaker, BHU, Lunana
20. Sherub Gyeltshen, DEO
21. Rinchen Dorji, DHO
22. Sigay Dorji, RBP, Punakha
23. Tshewang, Laya Mangmi
24. Khendrupla, Laya Principal
25. Ap Nyendey, farmer, Tshojong, Lunana
26. Kinley Dorji, Laya Ex-Gup
27. Gyem Tshering, Lunana Ex-Gup
28. Pema Dorji, Khatoe Ex-Gup
29. Karma Tshering, Khadoed Ex-Gup
30. Chewang Gyeltshen, Agri Extension
31. Nawang Tshering, Cultural Officer
32. Aum Dem, Farmer, Khatoed
33. Kezang, DoR
34. Kanjur Lhamo, GPS
35. Kencho Lhamo, BCS,
36. Namgyal Tshering, Principal Dechentsemo CS, …
37. Dr Kisoo Kim, SG, KOBA
38. Julie Anne Larkey, Australian
39. Choki Lham Dorji, Pinda Panda Tours
![National Day](/sites/gasa.gov.bt/files/inline-images/17dec5.jpg)