9 June 2018, Gasa:
Thank you, Aman Kora, Como Uma Bhutan, Damchen Resorts, Dhensa Boutique, Khuru Resorts and Punakha Residency.
This morning in the dazzling premises of Damchen Resorts in Punakha, 6 high-end hotels/resorts came together to support the Gasa organics initiative. This is a great news not only to Gasa farmers but to National Organic Programme, as such developments will surely help the organic programme to take stronger roots. It is only with such real market linkages, that farmers are motivated to continue to produce and produce more thereby contributing meaningfully to the national goal of self-sufficiency in food through increased production and import substitution.
Presently the two killer factors that stagnate the agriculture development in general and organic farming in particular are – i) No comparative price advantage and ii ) highly uncertain and unpredictable markets. This marketing initiative by Gasa Organics with support from DAMC and the hoteliers are real attempts to combat these challenges.
Gasa Dzongda in his gratitude offering pointed out that the participating hotels/resorts are helping not only the farmers of Gasa but the Nation in taking forward the organic movement. Without such concerted support in the form of buyers of the produce, he said, it will be an uphill task to take the organic programme to next higher level. He said, their support will be viewed much more than the normal understanding of CSR to that of “Corporate Nation Building Responsibility”. He also thanked DAMC, the marketing department of Agriculture Ministry for bringing the buyers and sellers together and all the logistics involved.
We will be executing this partnership through MoU on demand and supply on some specified vegetables for the 2018 season. With the joining of 6 hotels/resorts from Punakha, Gasa organics will be supplying certified organic vegetables to a total of 18 high-end hotels/resorts (12 in Thimphu and 6 in Punakha) in 2018.
Our very special thanks to Damchen Resorts, Khuruthang for giving us the beautiful space for the very first ever meeting of Gasa organics with the prospective partner hotels/resorts in Punakha and DAMC, MoAF for the support and in particular Mr. Tshewang Norbu for most ably convening the meeting.