25 March 2019
March 25,2019:
The Dzongkhag Annual Performance Agreement (APA) for FY 2018-19 was signed between HPM and officiating Dzongda this morning via video conferencing in presence of the sector heads.
At the signing, Hon'ble Lyonchhen said signing the APA via video conferencing was happening for the first time in the country and such initiatives save time and cost.
Apart from Gasa Dzongkhag, other Dzongkhags viz Bumthang, Chukha, Gasa, Haa, Lhuntse, Pemagatshel, Samdrup Jongkhar, Trashigang, Trongsa, Wangduephodrang, Zhemgang and 2 Thromdes of Gelephu and Phuntsholing also joined the video conference for APA signing.