13th December 2017, Gasa:
This morning in the Dzongkhag Tshogdu hall, Gasa Dzongkhag organised the ceremony to award the 2017 Royal Civil Service Awards to 11 civil servants, viz: Sonam Wangdi, Sr. Dzongrab; Ms Yangka, Khamoed GAO; Khedrup La,Laya Principal; Sangay Jamtsho, Sr. Counsellor, BCS; Chokey Dorji, Teacher, BCS; Leki Tshewang, Planning Officer; Jamyang Zangpo, Admin. Asst; Tenzin Wangchuk, Sr. Laboratory Asst; Harka Bdr. Ghalley, Cook, BCS;Karma Wangdi, Cook, BCS; Surja Bdr. Ghalley, Wet Sweeper,Gasa BHU.
Dzongda while Tashideleking the medallists, also on behalf of the medallists and Gasa civil servants, rededicated loyalty and commitment to stronger Nation Building.
Dzongda also encouraged all civil servants to adorn with the medals at all official functions as a symbol of pride and honour of being Bhutanese civil servants and also as a reminder on the need to give our best at all times in the service of the Tsawa Sum.