11 October 2017

11th October 2017, Gasa:

Today about three and half months after transplantation (3rd June 20170, Khatoed Gewog of Gasa has harvested her own paddy in her own land at Baychu. Khatoed Gewog is traditionally associated with wheat, barley and buckwheat basically indicating it’s higher and chillier climate unfit for Paddy. It was tried once about 12 years ago but had to discontinue due to too much depredation of crops by wild animals. The other good news about this experiment is the effectiveness of electric fence in guarding fields from wild animals. This paddy field was never visited by any wild animals except for birds and this is news as the field is in the middle of a forest.
With a crop cut result of about 1930 kgs/acre, the yield appears to be above the national average and this is amazing as the farming was done completely natural without any chemicals. Aum Zam and Ap Sangay can expect about 482 kgs from their 0.25 acres.
We plan to expand paddy to about 6 acres in this financial year.

   , Khatoed Gewog of Gasa has harvested her own paddy in her own land at Baychu Khatoed Gewog of Gasa has harvested her own paddy  Khatoed Gewog of Gasa has harvested her own paddy  Khatoed Gewog of Gasa has harvested her own paddy